The Junior Room offers...
In the Junior Room, we aim to ensure that your child has a wonderful time at Nursery. The Junior Room is where your child takes their first steps from home to a preschool learning environment, and for many, it may be their first experience of being away from their parents. We understand and appreciate that each child is different and our aim is to work with parents/carers to make sure that the transition from home to nursery is a happy and positive one.
We provide a variety of experiences, allowing each child to explore and investigate their own ideas and interests at their own pace. The children learn to adapt to a group environment, acquiring important social and communication skills, and through planned activities and play, we support and promote physical and language development as well as early writing, reading and maths skills in line with the EYFS.
In our happy, caring and supportive environment, children learn to feel valued, confident and secure, whilst providing you with many artworks with which to decorate your homes!
We encourage each child to make new friends, explore and learn and build confidence to carry on through to the next stage of their learning.
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